Domination Sex Text Chat
Domination Sex Text Chat
Swap Dirty Messages, Photos & Videos for LESS!
domination sex text chat

XXX No Limits BDSM Sext

99 cents domination sex text chat, live sexting on your mobile. What are your domination needs? Are you totally submissive with no limits? Be very careful before you answer that question, true subs are few and far between, you may think you have no limits and then suddenly find yourself in hot water so to speak and discover that you do indeed have limits! No room for egos here, that will likely piss your Mistress off. So before you text be sure to be able go give your Mistress your likes, soft limits and hard limits. Our Mistresses possess many skills but mind reading isn’t one of them.

Get Ready To Be Dominated!

So once you decide on what you want, you can get your domination sex text chat session that you need, maybe you have items, clothes and toys that you would like to be instructed with, if so have them ready. You don’t want to keep your Mistress waiting while you fanny around getting your toys. If you are really brave you can text her photos of you carrying out her orders. You will also, if you are worthy receive her photos, maybe even a video or two. Something to worship in between your text sessions, just don’t spunk over them unless you have been given permission to do so.

Ireland Cheap Sexting, JUST 99 Cents

To start your domination sex text chat session your will need to purchase your sext bundle, this is done online, once you have some credits in your account you can respectfully text a Mistress and serve her. Do keep an eye on your balance though because if you run out mid session your Mistress will be punishing you next time you serve her. At just 99c a text, a photo or videso, you really have no reason to let that happen. Now stop dilly dallying around, buy your sexting credits now and get on your knees ready to begin your text domination session.

The Kinkiest Sex Text in Ireland

Well we really don’t think there is anything left to say, our domination sex text chat Mistresses know their stuff and you are guaranteed the session that you are looking for, or maybe you deserve? It could be heaven or hell, it all depends on you really, so now that you have found what you crave, it’s time to decide who you wish to serve and just get the fuck on with it. Our service is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that mean that you can play anytime. What a lucky bitch you are, so let’s get the party started shall we?