Irish credit card phone sex

Ireland’s Cheapest Phonesex Service

Paying for your phone sex needs, when you are paying per minute can easily get out of control. You are so into the hot, horny time that you are having that you are unaware of those minutes adding up, before you know it you have a hefty phone bill to pay. Not a great situation to be in is it. So what are your options to get what you need without breaking the bank? Is there an alternative to racking up per minute charges on your phone? Yes there is, our Irish credit card phone sex with our prepaid option where you buy TalkTime minutes upfront.

Buy More, Save More – Cheap Sex Chat

Paying up front not only saves you money but allows you to stay in control of your spending. You will always know what you have spent and how many minutes you have left in your account. It is much cheaper than paying per minute, so you will be making big savings too. It is our most popular method of payment for both convenience, value for money and control over your finances. Let’s face it, we are all watching the pennies these days aren’t we. But we still deserve those little pleasures in life, hot Irish credit card phone sex being one of them!

Get 5 Minutes FREE!

Buying your prepaid minutes is easy and very secure. Simply decide how many minutes you want, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes with the 30 minute being the most popular, because we give you an extra 5 minutes of free phone sex on us! 5 minutes of extra hot, honey fun with one of our delicious sluts. What more could you want? You can use as many of as few of your minutes as you like, the rest will stay in your account for the next time you fancy a phone wank with one of our dirty phone sex sluts who are waiting to get you off right now.

The Cheapest Irish Wank Lines

So don’t get lumbered with a huge phone bill that you will struggle to pay, and worse case scenario get cut off, try our prepaid option instead, no surprises, just cheaper phone sex, when you want it, any time, any place. You can top up as and when you want, see what it in you account at any time. It really is as simple as that. Now doesn’t that sound better than opening a huge phone bill letter? We think so, and so do our customers, that is why our Irish credit card phone sex is the best on the net!

Ireland’s Hottest Chat Sluts

We might not be the only phone sex service out there but we do consider ourselves to be the best. We have the largest selection of women, from teens to grannies and everything in between. Our women have 1 goal in mind, and that is to get you off, none of this fucking around with long, boring intros, just straight into the action! That with our cheaper payment option makes for a winning combination. So how about you buy some minutes, drop your pants, get your cock in your hand and call one of our sluts, then empty your heavy cum filled balls, cheap Irish credit card phone sex and satisfaction guaranteed.